Stronger, Faster, Better

Jun 10, 2022

Stronger, Faster, Better

Maximize your Wheat Production

 Manipulator PGR growth regulator, has a unique anti-gibberellin formulation, with a wide application window.  This gives growers greater flexibility to manage the timing of application to best suit an individual’s operation.  The choice to use Manipulator will depend on variety, environment, and the level of fertilizer management.  Lower biomass varieties may use the flex rate of .5L/acre, with application timing occurring from 4 leaf to early flag leaf, as a target.  The ideal staging is 5-6 leaf.   Each year we see more and more Manipulator hit the 4,5, and 6 leaf stage.  This flexibility in timing will be very beneficial this year with rising costs and a compressed season. The addition to the tank at herbicide time may be the most efficient method to get your PGR on and have the assurance that the crop will be standing at harvest time, while maximizing the efficiency of your combine.
Call your local Shur-Gro Sales Agronomist to scout your field for the best timing and decide if Manipulator fits in to your production system.  You can visit the link below to learn more.
Manipulator 2022 4 PagePF (


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