Seed Treating
May 02, 2022

Submitted by Kaitlyn Davey – Sales Agronomist Westbourne branch
The potential of every crop lies in the seed; every kernel carrying the genetics to determine its yield potential. Unfortunately, seeds also carry fungi pathogens which can cause seed and seedling diseases. Soil-borne threats are also a concern as pathogens can be present in the soil for years. Therefore, seed care is an important consideration in realizing the full potential of your crop. If the seed does not get a good start out of the ground, it is more likely to continue struggling throughout the rest of its growing days.
One way we can help ensure the best start possible is seed treatments. Over the years they have evolved into highly effective tools for controlling seed and soil-borne diseases as well as insect pests such as cutworms, wireworms, and flea beetles. By reducing early season stress caused by diseases and insects, seed treatments help make a good crop a great crop.
No matter the weather situation at seeding time, seed treatments always have benefits. Whether it be a dry spring where the seed may be sitting in the ground longer than usual, or a wet and cool year where pathogens are more present in the soil. Treating your seed with a fungicide seed treatment helps control organisms that can be damaging for up to 2 weeks in the soil.
Other key benefits of treating your seed include:
- Less applications of pesticides due to not having to applying insecticides as often, if at all. This decreases the chances of drift into neighbouring crops and the chance of harming beneficial species.
- Easier to stage herbicide and fungicide applications. This is because the plant is getting a significantly better start therefore leading to more even emergence and a better stand establishment.
- Higher yields and grades. If a seed is set up for success right from the beginning, the plant already has a significantly better chance of yielding higher and gradin better.
Below is a small list of seed treatments offered through Shur-Gro. Please give your local
Shur-Gro Sales Agronomist a call to discuss seed treatment options as well as custom seed treating through one of Shur-Gro’s certified seed treaters.
- Wheat, Barley, Oats – Raxil Pro, Vibrance Quattro, Cruiser Vibrance Quattro, Insure Cereal
- Pulses – Evergol Energy, CruiserMaxx Vibrance Beans, Vibrance Maxx, Insure Pulse