The Pre-emergent Weed Control Advantage
Jul 06, 2020
Growers should consider “herbicide layering” as a strategy to help manage herbicide resistance. This practice involves using a pre-emergent herbicide prior to an in-crop herbicide application. This program allows for multiple modes of action to be utilized. In addition, pre-emergent weed control gets the crop off to a fast, clean start to help maximize yield potential.
Avadex MicroActiv, Fortress MicroActiv and Edge Granular pre-emergent herbicides add 6 – 8 weeks of residual control, giving control of flushing weeds and a layer of protection in case post-emergent herbicide application gets delayed. Control of any escapes is also made easier.
Avadex MicroActiv is a Group 8 granular pre-emergent herbicide that can be used for spring wheat, barley, canary seed and peas. The product controls wild oats including Group 1 and Group 2 resistant biotypes. Other benefits include reduction in early-season weed pressure and more flexibility with timing post-emergent herbicide application. Avadex MicroActiv can be applied in fall after Oct. 1 and when soil temperature at a depth of two inches is 4 °C or less and within 3 weeks of soil freeze-up. A single heavy harrow pass is sufficient incorporation in minimum or zero-till fields. Avadex MicroActiv can be used in conventional tillage, but should be applied after fall tillage then incorporated with a single harrow pass. Fall rate is 12.5 to 15 lbs/ac.
Fortress MicroActiv is a Group 3 and Group 8 granular pre-emergent herbicide that can be used for spring wheat, barley, canola and flax. The product provides control of wild oats, green and yellow foxtail, as well as suppression of kochia, redroot pigweed, wild buckwheat, lamb’s quarters, and Russian thistle. Fortress MicroActiv can be applied in fall after Oct. 1 and when soil temperature at a depth of two inches is 4 °C or less and within 3 weeks of soil freeze-up. A single heavy harrow pass is sufficient incorporation in minimum or zero-till fields. Fortress MicroActiv can be used in conventional tillage, but should be applied after fall tillage then incorporated with a single harrow pass. Fall rate for wheat and barley is 10 to 12.5 lbs/ac. Fall rate for canola and flax is 12.5 to 15 lbs/ac.
Edge Granular, a Group 3 pre-emergent herbicide can be used for soybeans, canola, peas, dry beans, sunflowers, alfalfa (establishment) and hemp. The product will provide early weed removal and residual control of grassy and broadleaf weeds. Edge Granular will control kochia, wild buckwheat, redroot pigweed, lamb’s quarters, cow cockle, chickweed, purslane, corn spurry, barnyard grass, as well as green and yellow foxtails. Weeds suppressed include wild oats, cleavers, hemp-nettle, lady’s-thumb, Russian thistle, and volunteer wheat and barley. Edge Granular can be applied in fall after Oct. 1 and when soil temperature at a depth of two inches is 4 °C or less and within 3 weeks of soil freeze-up. For zero or minimum-till, a surface application and light harrowing will provide optimum control. Fall rate is 20 to 25 lbs/ac.
(For conventional tillage Edge Granular can be applied starting on September 15th. Edge should be applied before the tillage operation and the worked in with a disc or cultivator to your normal working depth. A second incorporation should be done on a right angle either a minimum of 3 days later or the following spring to ensure even distribution through the top of the soil.)
Tips for successful application:
- Product rates are determined by % organic matter of the soil.
- Complete any fallwork in the field. Harrow heavy trash or large clods before application. Do not apply on burnt fields.
- Apply using a floater or Valmar and incorporate using a heavy harrow.
- Harrow again in spring if time allows. This helps to warm the soil and provide a uniform treated layer.
- Apply pre-seed glyphosate to address early emerging weeds.
- Plant the crop, followed by post-emergent control (if necessary).
- Please refer to specific product labels before use.
Please visit with your local Shur-Gro Sales Agronomist to learn more about the advantages of pre-emergent weed control.